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Doctors of Audiology

Hi!  I am Arden Brown, Registered Audiologist, Doctor of Audiology and I have been practicing since 1998.  I specialized in Auditory Processing Testing and Auditory Training Therapy.  In my 26 years as an audiologist, I have practiced as an audiologist to neurotologist who specialized in dizziness, as a provincial audiologist, as a private practice audiologist, and most recently as an educational audiologist within First Nation Communities.​


HI! I am Andrea Richardson, Registered Audiologist, Doctor of Audiology and I have been practicing since 2011.  In my career as an audiologist, I have practiced as a private practice audiologist and for the past 6 years I was an educational audiologist within First Nation Communities.  I was able to develop a hearing program for various communities that do not have direct access to audiological services.  I am an advocate for hearing and communication and helped pass a Bill to ensure every baby is tested for hearing loss at birth. 

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